Much of QII is simply installing insulation as the manufacturers intended. When QII is required, it will be clearly indicated on the CF1R or commonly known as the Title 24 energy compliance report. Refer to the "Building Envelope - HERS Verification" box (see below) on the Title 24 report and/or the "HERS Feature Summary" (see below) to see what is required. After completion of insulation a CF2R Certificate of Installation and CF3R Certificate of Verification will be required to be completed and signed in the HERS registry online.
The insulation holds the proper R-value per location
There are no gaps or voids between the framing or insulation
All gaps 1/8" or larger in framing need to be filled with can foam. Includes top and bottom plates
Fibrous wall insulation must touch all 6-sides of the wall cavity. Double framed walls may require 3 layers to full fill the cavity
Fiberglass must be delaminated behind all wiring and plumbing that are in each wall cavity
An air barrier is installed at all exposed faces of batt insulation. This includes behind fireplaces and double framed walls
Electrical boxes are carefully cut out in the insulation in order to provide a tight fit with no gaps or holes
The list above touches on a few items that will be inspected by an HERS rater. To learn more about what will be inspected please click the following link. CalCERTS_QII_Handbook_2019.pdf
The building owner or the general contractor typically hires the HERS Rater. HERS Raters cannot be employees of the builder or contractor whose work they are verifying. Also HERS Raters cannot have a financial interest in the builder’s or contractor’s business, or advocate or recommend the use of any product or service that they are verifying.
Typically a HERS Rater should be selected at the beginning of construction so they can inform the contractor about when they need to perform inspections and testing. It is important to coordinate with the energy consultant or documentation author when assigning a Rater to the project. This allows the Rater to have access to the registered compliance documentation associated with the project. Please review the "Trade Industry QII Coordination Chart" below to learn more about coordinating and scheduling your HERS rater and tradesman.
As we move through the 2019 Building code which began on 01.01.2020, several questions regarding Quality Insulation Installation (QII) have come up. As we continue to field phone calls regarding QII we thought it would be best to put an informative page together that can help simplify the questions and the process. After reviewing this page if other questions arise please feel free to contact us.
We are working closely with local HERS raters, Builders and Architects to determine who we fell we can recommend and that can fulfill the challanges related to QII inspections. Please email us at for a list of HERS raters.
"in - su - late"
Protect (something) by interposing material that
prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound.
The California Energy Commission (CEC) has set a standard for the way insulation should be installed in a home called High Quality Insulation Installation (QII). In order to meet QII, insulated framing areas need to resist thermal bridging of the assembly separating conditioned from unconditioned space. This visual inspection is conducted by a “third party” called a certified HERS Rater. The HERS Rater (HERS Verifier or HERS Verification) confirms the insulation was installed almost perfectly, allowing the home to perform per the insulation manufacturer’s specifications. In addition, the HERS rater verifies that compliance meets or exceeds the project’s Title 24 Design or the CF-1R. QII verification almost always requires two visits to conduct full verification. The first visit is usually held at rough stage (before drywall) and the other is held after.
The following has changed per the 2019 code. HERS-verified QII has changed from a Performance compliance option that offers a large compliance credit compared to the baseline energy budget (the “standard design”) to a Prescriptive baseline requirement. This means that QII energy savings for 2019 are already part of the Performance energy budget (Section 150.1(c)1E). This is a major improvement in building envelope insulation and air leakage for new single-family and multifamily residences and additions over 700 ft². When QII is required, it is essential that the builder and/or installer coordinate with the HERS rater to facilitate timely inspections. Note: There is no QII requirement for multifamily buildings in Climate Zone 7.
This is a bit of a vague question as there are several factors to take into account. Some HERS raters charge per the square foot or per the job. You can figure between $500-$1000 for a HERS rater. But please check with a HERS rater prior to creating your budget. On the installation side, again that is a tough question to answer as there are several factors, including scope, products and accessibility. To get you in the ball park, your insulation project can increase from 15-30%. We highly recommend that we review your project and scope with you, prior to creating or submitting a budget for your client.
QII can have a significant impact on the cost of installation. Installing contractors need to be very aware of the requirements and should bid jobs accordingly. Coordination between designers and the trades is critical. Passing QII is not completely the responsibility of the installer. Architects and framers are finding that they too have gotten away from focusing on a home’s thermal boundary and how air barriers are defined and constructed. Framing details need to be clearly spelled out to show a continuous air barrier, for example: where a wall transitions from an exterior wall to an attic knee wall, or when floor joists extend to an attic.
For a free PDF copy of the CalCerts QII Booklet follow the link below:
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