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There are a wide variety of incentives and rebates to choose from to help you replace appliances, HVAC systems, hot water heaters and insulation. These incentives and rebates can help you offset the cost of energy efficient products that can help you upgrade your home, save energy and make your home more comfortable. For more detailed information please visit rebates and incentives.
"R" means resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-Value, the greater the insulating power. The amount of insulation you needs depends on the climate you live in. Also, fuel savings from insulation will depend upon the climate, the type and size of your home, the amount of insulation already in your home, your fuel use patterns and family size. All insulation materials are designed at certain thicknesses based on R-Value and application locations. Please note, installing a higher R-Value material into a smaller cavity than what its designed for does not mean that you gain a higher R-Value. It actually lowers it, as the material becomes smashed in the cavity and is less productive.
Date: 4th Quarter, 2021
Greetings and welcome to Insulate SB's quarterly email newsletter. As were approaching 2022, I wanted to get our final quarterly newsletter of 2021 out and into your inbox. The sole purpose of our newsletter is to update our customers, builders, architects, construction professionals and homeowners on the latest insulation industry updates. Please feel free to share this with your clients, co-workers, staff, friends and your neighbors. It makes for a great stocking stuffer or in some cases it could be used for gift wrapping.
As we wrap of 2021, I wanted to touch on the challenges we are up against and go over a few new items that I feel will help our building community. 2021 was the year of material shortages and prices increases. It appears some products are becoming more available but the time lines are skewed. We have been following the same tactics that i have mentioned in past newsletters throughout the year so that we can secure material as quickly and as often to keep your projects on track. We continue to stay in contact with our manufactures and supply partners on a daily basis. Allocation is still a challenge and at times we are told a truck will arrive, only to find out it was delayed by a week. Upholding our strong relationships with our suppliers, we have been able to stay ahead of the shortages by going over what they have in stock versus what our jobs are requiring and bringing in the material. At times we may have to deliver it directly to your job as storage at our warehouse can be a challenge at times.
Briefly touching on material increases throughout 2021. Amongst all Spray Foam manufactures, suppliers and distributors, prices on average have increased 53% year to date. That's across the board for open and closed cell. It has been 9 years since we received the last spray foam price increases. A few other material increases to note are Fiberglass 25%, Rockwool 14% and Foil Faced Polyiso rigid board 25%. Rockwool is still severely challenged with a new time frame of 8 months out. I have been told to expect a major price increase in the early part of 2022 on Rockwool, although I haven't received any notices at this time. Please note if your interested in seeing or sharing the price increases with your clients we are happy to share what we have on file as we have compiled all of the increases throughout the year and will continue into 2022.
Shifting from the popular topic of price increases and material shortage, I would like to touch on Title 24 reports (energy compliance). More often than not we receive incomplete Title 24 reports, where the report reflects a minor remodel. The reports may not even list a minimum R-Value. Typically anytime a project changes or replaces an existing window or windows a Title 24 report is required. Now lets fast forward to when the project is ready to insulate and we do a site visit or are asked to update our numbers. We discover that the project has changed or morphed into a full gut or partial gut. At this time a revised Title 24 report is required reflecting the changes. We end up being the bearer of bad news by requesting the Title 24 report to be re-ran. Now here is the predicament you can find yourself in. You can not get the report revised and roll the dice with the building inspector and see if he or she asks to see it or your revise it and you can guarantee no issues with the inspector and you will be signed off. We can always give you a preliminary estimate on what we think the R-Values will be but we cannot qualify our estimate until we see the correct Title 24 report. Please note we are required to submit a CF2R report that states that we matched the minimum requirements of the Title 24 reports and the building inspector will require this report and sign off on it. Typically its cost a couple hundred dollars to have a report re-ran, some T-24 authors will not charge you at all. One change to note as of 2021 regarding exterior walls. R-20 complies but R-21 passes code for exterior walls instead of R-19. We are commonly seeing R-21 and R-23 (rockwool) in the reports daily and you should start seeing R-21 more often for exterior walls.
Moving along to approved PDF plans. More and more of our clients are sending us approved PDF plans in order to receive an estimate for insulation. We are noticing that the city and county are locking the plans so they cannot be edited. In this case, we are not able to use our software to create estimates. Although the stamped plans are beneficial we ask that we are sent plans that were submitted to the city or county so we can create our take offs and send you a proposal. If in fact we are sent a stamped set that will not work with our software, we will let you know and request a different copy of the PDF plan.
In closing of our final newsletter for 2021, our team at Insulate SB wants to thank our team members, suppliers and our great building community partners. We have a very tight local community and we take pride in working with you. We wish you and your family a Happy Holidays and prosperous 2022. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have a cost or material questions prior to bidding your project. As well as any questions related to a Title 24 report as they can be challenging to read at times.
Cheers and all the best,
Chad Sanchez
Insulate SB
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